Thursday, January 13, 2011

Madrid! despite the snowstorm

So there was this huge snowstorm scheduled to hit the day my flight departed and things weren't looking too good. After I made it safely to the airport (quite an impressive feat given the conditions) I boarded my flight that miraculously was still on time. Iberia airlines was great-a nice dinner (including champagne!) and then breakfast in the morning. I was counting on sleeping on this flight so that i wouldn't feel TOO jetlagged upon my arrival, but it feels like I only slept for 20 minutes. After checking into the hotel that we're staying at during "orientation," we basically wandered around our area--quite touristy, complete with a  KFC--and we all got our cheap pay-as-you go mobile phones. We have the afternoon to explore before dinner but I'm exhausted and wanted to let people know that I'm alive and well here!


  1. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

  2. Glad to see you posted! We have a KFC too, and a subway, Starbucks, McDonalds, and Burger King. Can't wait to see you soon weeee, catch up on your sleep, but don't worry, you will feel better in about a week. LOVE YOU!

  3. yay!! we had a kfc down the street from our apartment lol crazyyyy i thought only the us liked fried chicken!
